humanoid robots are incredibly complex machines that are as fragile as they are versatile meaning their use in practical applications is limited just yet in the last decade ramela has created Darwin the award-winning miniature humanoid charlie the full-size rubber Cup champion Thor Rd a rescue robot designed for disaster relief sapphire the shipboard autonomous firefighting robot and Thor an advanced full-size humanoid that utilizes custom linear series elastic actuators with impedance control one of the reasons why by people walking is difficult is because of an offset in the hip joints this creates undesirable oscillatory moments that force the robot to take small calculated steps however when taking steps side-to-side these moments don't appear furthermore the forward-facing knees are being used and they can be rotated by 90 degrees so the legs are aligned in a plane by lining the legs in the sagittal plane we can achieve stable forward walking because the legs are restricted to a plane we can take out the ankle and simplify the foot in addition to these simplifications we can also change the shins and head to make the robot more versatile simulations showed the potential of the platform from an early stage by exploding the fact that there is no need for biological systems such as blood vessels and nerves in a robot mechanism we can add a continuous joint at the knee that allows for even more modes of locomotion this feature can be used to go over a tall dorsal like the kind you might find on the continuous knees also provide an elegant method for climbing stairs after two weeks of grueling work we present Navarez non at the femoral bipedal robotic system of a fresh new approach to a simple lightweight and practical bipedal robot your wild the robot those two lightweight aluminum and carbon fiber architecture it has one degree of freedom at each hip one degree freedom at each knee and compliance in the feet at a height of 135 centimeters the robot is comparable in AI to a human however with an external power source that only weighs 3.97 kilograms due to its lightweight construction and because it's light configuration doesn't need as many actuators initial testing shows the inherent stability of the system even under open-loop control this test shows the robot utilizing the compliance engine speed generate energy efficient walking gait this test demonstrates the robot jumping by utilizing the foot compliance the compliance in the feet also allow for walking through unstructured terrain under open-loop control with the ability to perform such dynamic motion stable it is possible to convey human-like emotions with the actions of the robot this is just the start of the project in the future we plan to add much more functionality to this evolving platform