Now it's time for your final assignment.
You're going to make your own song with Sonic Pi!
We've shown you one way to write the song, but that's not the only way of
doing it. You can come up with your own styles and techniques. And if beats in
4/4 don't excite you, don't worry you're free to go wild as long as you do the
following: Your song should have at least three live_loops and at least one of the
loops should contain a sample. Write at least one melody let's say three notes
long or more. Use either play and sleep commands or the play_pattern_timed
command - or both if you like to. Change the sound with use_synth and use
options Remember you can write use_synth_defaults to change the options for a number of play commands. You should also
use an effect. Don't forget that you can give options to effects and put effects
inside each other to change how they sound.
And if you feel like your song is just repeating the same stuff all the time,
don't forget that you can use long sleep values inside live_loops. That will make
new things happen after a while. You can compose different sections and put some
surprising parts with on your breaks. These guidelines will get you started
and you will probably meet them just by having fun and experimenting with Sonic
Pi. If you get stuck with your song working on these goals might help. The
most important thing is to follow your inspiration and have fun!