So far you have used basic options to
change the sound of your play command. Some synthesizers have even more options
which you can learn about in the help files. You can use control+i when your
cursor is over the synth name or you can use the Synths tab down at the help
panel. One of my favorite synths is the :dsaw so I'll check what kind of options
it has. Ok, so here are the attack: and release: options that are already
familiar to you. You might have used amp: which changes the volume of the note and
you might have used some of the other ones. A really interesting option is one
called cutoff: I can click the name of the option and go straight to its
explanation. So cutoff: changes the amount of high-end in a sound. If I give
cutoff a low value such as 40 you hear that the sound is changed completely.
It's now a lot softer. A value like 130 makes it really bright. Pay attention to
the possible range of values. For example here it says that the value of cutoff:
must be less than 131 so if I go over that, I will get an error.
Many synths have the cutoff: option so go ahead and try it with your own sounds.
It's a great way to add variation to a repeating melody. Don't forget to check
out the help files to see what other options your favorite synths have!