You will create a looping baseline to a
drum beat in this exercise. Use a drum beat you've made earlier or copy the
template below this video and build on that one. First, create a new live_loop
for the bassline. Put a use_synth command into the loop and select the
synth you want to use for the bass. Remember that you can change it at any
time even while the code is running. Next, choose the notes for your bassline. Bass
is a low instrument, so notes from the second and third octave or between the
numbers 36 and 60 work the best. It's a good idea to keep the bass simple. Start
with the two note baseline and add more later.
Think about the rhythm of the beat and how the bassline will fit into that. If
you have a lot of movement in the drum beat, the rhythm of the bass can be
simple and slow but if the drumbeat is more static it might be really
interesting to place the notes in between the drum hits. Use the options
attack: and release: to shape the beginning and end of the notes. Remember
that you can always click on a play command in your code and use the
shortcut control+i to find out how it's options work. When you're ready save your code.