You're almost ready to move on to making
your own projects and learning more while you're at it.
That should be fun! Before that let's recap what you've learned in this
chapter. You connected a servo motor and you learned it needs a control signal from
the Arduino to move. You used a library for the first time. You imported the
servo library which is a collection of code that makes programming servo motors
easier. You set up two different movement modes: back and forth movement and a mode
where you controlled the motor with a potentiometer. To switch between these
modes with a button you stored information of the current state of both
your motor and the button into variables. You changed the mode after
checking what those states were. You used the same variables to control signal
lights, too, so your servo system was easier to use. And at last you either experimented
with mechanisms and made your servo more practical or interesting or you made the
servo motor seek light by using two LDRs. Either way the skills you've practiced in the final exercise will be useful in
your future projects.