In this chapter you learned to move stuff
on the canvas. You experimented with shapes and colors that change at random
in the examples. You learned to move things continuously
with variables. You can always refresh the screen with the rect-command in the
beginning of draw. Besides variables, another important programming concept in
this chapter was if-structure. This can be used for checking if the objects have
reached the edges. You also learned to bounce shapes from the edges. You get to practice these new programming
concepts a lot in the future. Don't worry if you don't remember every command and
trick by heart just yet. In the end of this chapter you became the master of
the universe and controlled all kinds of objects in space. So far you haven't been
able to control the events on the canvas while the program is running. Think if
you could change the visuals by pressing keyboard buttons or moving a mouse. And
wouldn't it be cool to add images to Processing? You'll make this happen in
the next chapter.