Educator notes
Educator Intro
Chapter Summary
Length of the chapter: 1,5 - 3h
- Adjust the length of the chapter according to the time you have at hand.
- There are more detailed lesson plans on the next page.
Learning objectives of this chapter
Student learns…
- … to draw shapes and place them by using coordinates
- … to change the size of the drawing canvas.
- … to change the colors of the shapes
- … to understand how the RGB color model works
- … how to illustrate visual things with regular shapes (rectangle, triangle, ellipse etc.)
- … to search for programming instructions on the Processing reference website.
- … to search for inspiration on the web and to develop ideas based on the findings.
- … to work actively and independently in the online environment
Slides and Lesson plans
You can use the slides below to introduce this module and especially the first chapter to the students. The slides include an introducing activity called The Blindfolded Artist where students work in groups and instruct each other to draw things blindfolded. The idea of the activity is to make the students think of what kind of instructions a computer needs to draw things.
There’s some Speaker notes in the slides to explain the content to you. To see the Speaker notes, click Settings > Open Speaker notes from the lower panel. There are similar slides in the Educator Intro of every chapter.
Plan 1 -Structured Lesson (90 min)
Time to complete | Activity |
15 min | Start this module with the slides above. Instruct the Blindfolded Artist -exercise. |
15-20 min | Students start the first chapter alone or in pairs and go through the topic Coordinating Everything. Ask students to speak out if they have any challenges! |
5min | A little discussion in the class: any challenges so far? |
15-20 min | Students continue with the material and go through the topic Shaping things up.Ask students to speak out if they have challenges! |
10 min | Reflection discussion: What haveyou learned until now? Introduction to the Creature-exercise - Show an example result - Give a time-limit: 20 minutes! |
20 min | Students develop the creature. You can end the lesson (or start the next lesson) by going through a couple of creatures the students have made, if they are willing to show them! |
Plan 2 - Freely flowing lesson (90 min)
Time to complete | Activity |
10-15 min | Show the learning material with a projector. Set a goal for the first lesson: Complete the first
chapter! Show the creature-exercise of the chapter to the students with the projector. Ask the students to start from the topic Introduction and inspiration and then continue forward to the first chapter. Ask students to speak out if they have any questions. |
60 min | Go around in the classroom and help students with their challenges. |
10 min | Summary and the end of the lesson. |