Mehackit among the 100 most inspiring innovations in K12 education year 2017
It is a true honour for us to be listed among 100 Global Inspiring Innovations in K12 Education by Hundred!

We think we share one thing in common with teachers, colleagues and partners – we all believe that education is the best way to change the world to be a better place – more peaceful, more sustainable more equal!
As the future is not built yet, it is very important to give all people equal opportunities in taking part in building it and, while doing so, to live satisfying, meaningful lives together and be happy.
We at Mehackit are doing our share in making creative technology skills more equal! We want to give youth their first experience in planning, designing, prototyping and presenting their creative projects to their peers – “Look what we made!” We want that their first experience is positive and empowering!
Blending human instructors with online course platform
We want to make it as easy as possible for any school to take creative technology learning into classrooms. Our innovation is our digital course platform together with our instructor training and network. We have recruited and trained over 70 lovely, skilled technology university students!
Creativity, art and self expression through technological projects is very motivating and close to the hearts of Mehackit instructors. They see that the most important gift they can give to students is, in fact, inspiration and motivation to open a door to the curious world of creative technologies. Whatever our wildest dreams and ideas with new things may be, they only scratch the surface of what’s possible with good mentoring.
Mehackit instructors have been to almost every 5th Finnish upper secondary school and they have instructed long 38 hour-courses to students. We have also instructed courses in Swedish schools. For some of our instructors this is their first work experience in their own field, and, with our help, they are super enthusiastic to share their own enthusiasm with others.
With creative technologies we mean projects such as (links below to our free online materials)
- learning to program digital music and having a concert in the end of the course,
- combining visual art with programming and creating beautiful moving images or animations and presenting them in schools’ art gallery or
- making objects move or communicate with each other by programming small sensors and motors (electronics, robotics or even Internet of Things) and to have a demo day at school.
- By making something creative and fun has an incredible effect on motivation to learn, to figure out what problems to solve in the first place and what questions to ask: there are no wrong answers as long as you get it to work!

Teachers to co-create with Mehackit, Mehackit Instructors to support local schools
Mehackit courses have been developed in continuous co-creation process with and feedback from our instructors, local teachers and students. Our content fits well with the Finnish National Curriculum for general upper secondary education under “Exploratory work with technology” (TO2). In basic education our courses are related to the Mathematics, Physics, Art, Music and Computer sciences. In Finland programming has been integrated in the curriculum as part of the objectives set for mathematics since 2016.
Mehackit Instructor network makes it possible for schools to offer courses without training the teachers first. In fact, we invite teachers to take part in the courses to learn and get inspired as well!
However, we also provide pedagogical and concrete teacher training workshops for any groups of teachers seeking for inspiration and support. We have had workshops with not only Finnish teachers but also groups from Korea, Saudi-Arabia, Sweden, and even professional programmers and developers, to mention some.
Mehackit is looking for partners to take creative technology learning to classrooms internationally!
Now, after three years of partnering up with Samsung Nordics, who we share many values with such as appreciation of education, equality and wellbeing, we are thankful to continue working with them in the future too.
We are also looking for new partners to help us to take our pedagogics to other parts of the world in a smart, sustainable way!
Regarding maker culture, which we promote, you’ve all heard about DIY – do it yourself… It should be DIT from now on – do it together!